Scathing Book Reviews of Obama Nation, by Jerome Corsi

Obama Nation, by Jerome Corsi is certainly the quintessential election year book.  I don’t know if Jerome Corsi believes everything he writes, but he’s certainly a canny author.  What better way to get book sales than to write a book attacking a major presidential candidate?  You’re sure to appeal to the base of the opposing party and get a ton of air time, and the best part is, even attacks on the Obama Nation book only make it more appealing to diehard Republicans. 

As for Obama Nation itself, I confess, I ain’t gonna read it.  Not because of my personal politics, just out of my reading and media preferences.  I’ll buy books on political figures (such as the excellent multi-volume biography of Lyndon Johnson by Robert Caro, and on current events, but with modern political coverage, I’ll stick to the internet. 

Let’s face it – with all the revelations, deal-making and shifts in policy that goes on in politics, a book on any active politician is out of date the moment its printed – with anything written about John Edwards being Exhibit A.  These Scathing Book Reviews of Obama Nation think its an abomination:

Although I am not a writer, I have had a “flash of brilliance” about a book that Mr. Jerome Corsi could write next. It would be titled “Crackpot Nation” and would be about himself.


Whether you support McCain or Obama, this book is complete junk…it is a low-class smear job masquerading as journalism. Do your homework voters, and research both candidates. But don’t waste your time or money on trash like this.


Just when you that the Birchers had faded into a distant nightmare, their child crawls out from under a rock.


Where’s the best place to check out the conspiracy theories of Jerome Corsi? You will often find him on AM talk radio’s Coast to Coast AM, home of UFO buffs, exorcists and psychics. That should give you some idea of what to expect with this book…


This book is worth $1 mainly for its paper weight.


Why would anybody waste their money purchasing this book? If you’re pro-Obama, send the money to his campaign instead. If you’re pro-McCain, send it to the McCain campaign. If you like this author and think his work is accurate, send it to the Flat Earth Society.


…and from what I hope is an Ironic Reviewer:

I guess it’s okay to slander someone in the name of politics. Corsi is a mindless hack. Anyone who could possible think that such trash is credible should be given an mental status examination. Ach! Oh and by the way: John McCain wasn’t really a POW. It was all propaganda perpetuated by the military on an MGM soundstage.

 …and finally, I hope this person doesn’t answer e-mails from the “Bank of Nigeria”:

If the author couldn’t even get basic facts right — facts he could have gotten from Wikipedia or a simple Google search — then how can you trust anything in the book?

1 Comment

  1. Jerome Corsi of Swiftboat fame: His over $150,000 in judgments, his corporations and more

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